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Wellness Mindset


Counseling Services

Telehealth/ Virtual Therapy

The reality is, we live busy lives.


Between work, school, family, and commuting, how can you find the time for anything else?


Many people value therapy and want to start, but they can’t find the time to do so, which is understandable. For them, this is another thing that will take up another 2-3 hours out of their week, especially when you factor in meeting with a therapist and commuting, not to mention potential traffic.


That’s where Telehealth comes in. Telehealth has been around for decades. However, since the pandemic, it has become more popular. Even people who have never sought out therapy for multiple reason have now turned to Telehealth and prefer this option.  Research has shown that Telehealth is effective and convenient, especially for those who live a busy lifestyle or are unable to meet in person due to conditions out of their control.

Imagine meeting your therapist from the comfort of your own home and not having to worry about the ride to the therapist’s office or being stuck in traffic when all you want to do is get home after a long day. These are things you would not have to contend with when you use Telehealth.

Also, if you only have time for therapy sessions during your lunch break, Telehealth gives you the flexibility to schedule a session when it’s most ideal for you. Or perhaps your work requires you to travel a lot, and it just isn’t feasible to commit to a regular in-person therapy appointment. Online therapy is a great alternative to enable you to work toward your goals with your lifestyle and circumstances in mind. It’s comfortable!


Plus, geography and where you are on the map are no longer a barrier. You’ve done your research and found an amazing therapist. She seems like the perfect fit, qualified to help with exactly what you want to work on, but she lives in another part of the State. With Telehealth, that’s no longer an issue!


If you feel this option is a good fit for you, book a free consultation now.


Ready to get started?

Experience Effective Support and Guidance from the Comfort of Your Space. Begin Your Journey to Wellness Today. Book Your Telehealth Session and Connect with a Therapist Online.

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